
Robotics and Coding

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LEARN skills:

- Process of designing/manufacture a robot (Video + content) (FTC - 5th - 8th Grade) (FRC - 9th - 12th Grade)

      - Drive Train


- Power Transmission(Content) (9th - 12th)

      - Motors

      - Pistons

      - Servos

      - Pneumatics

      - Gearing

      - Belts Pulleys


- Intro to Java (Content) (6th - 12th)

      - Give the basics behind how to make a Java Class

      - How to make:

            - Classes

            - Methods

            - Basic Games


- Intro to Python (Content) (6th - 12th)

      - Give the basics behind how to make a Python Program

      - Difference between Java and Python

      - Different application of Python

      - How to program with it


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ATTEND a webinar or activity:

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